Saturday 1 May 2010

Go for it! You only get what you go for! Anonymous

If you're reaching out to another, there are two possible motives. Either you want something they've got, or you believe they’re intrinsic to who you are. Gary Blonder

The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the AMAZING things LIFE is that there are TEACHERS around us all the time. We simply need to GET the LESSONS. A.Drayton Boylston

So often in life, having been forced down a road we did not want to go, we discover along it the best thing that ever happened to us. Gary Blonder

What if all the folks SELLING on Twitter thought of SERVING instead? A.Drayton Boylston

Duality begins when awareness confuses itself with its instrument. Mooji

"Relax and be with your life AS IT IS! - STOP this incessant searching and crying for some fool to save you...You are saved! Shut Up! (fall silent) and BE Happy!"—Dvorahji

Once I believed seeing is believing, now I know believing is seeing – Gary Blonder

When you stand in truth and reach out to another, you become a bridge by which the other can access the same truth. But they can choose. Gary Blonder

If you want to tell someone how to get to Dublin, don't assume they're starting from Belfast - Irish Proverb

We can do anything. Business depends on the fact that we'd rather someone else did it for us and then bring it to our doorstep. Gary Blonder

EVERY answer lies in the STILLNESS. A.Drayton Boylston

The heart will always awaken to its highest truth when the mind is given permission to rest." Matt Kahn.

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